Other People’s Opinion

You spend so much of your time worried about what other people think. You try and control what people are thinking of you. The truth is, their opinion is none of your business. What the ex-wife thinks about you, none of your business. What your stepkids think about you also, none of your business. Harsh, right? No. You have no control over it anyway, so why worry about it? The only thing you have control over is your thoughts about their opinion. Interesting, right?

No matter how much you try, they’re still going to think what they’re going to think. They may say one thing, but you never really know.

When you try so hard to control what people think of you by acting a certain way or doing certain things, you don’t even show up as yourself. You show up as someone that isn’t even you.

What would happen if you just decided to show up as yourself? Embrace the things you love, no more pretending, no more acting. This is how I was made. This is who I am. If you like me, great. If not, no harm done. Not your taste, that’s all. I get it. I’m a peach, and you don’t like peaches. Not the peach’s fault. Not your fault.

When you show up as yourself, as the best peach you can be, peach lovers can easily spot you, and the connection is genuine and real. Peach haters just move along, and it’s okay. They weren’t your people anyway.

Remember this: you can’t be the one to decide whether or not someone likes you. It’s up to the other person and their life experiences and preferences. In your mind, give them permission to not like you. It can be a game changer. It’s a reminder that, oh, yeah, it’s okay. They don’t like peaches. It’s nothing personal. Most ex-wives don’t like the new wife anyway, it’s ok. I’m ok.

The reason you don’t want people to not like you is because of what you make it mean. You make it mean you’re unlikeable. But remember, their opinion of you has nothing to do with you.

Here’s a final thought: People can either like you or not like you. If you’re showing up in a big way, being who you want to be, you’re going to have haters. That’s just the way it goes.

When you’re okay with others’ opinions and criticisms of you, then you will take off. It’s when your relationships will grow. You’ll be willing to do more and take more risks. And that my friend, will hurl you to a whole new level of growth.