Holding On or Letting Go

What got you here, will not get you there.  It takes a different way of doing things to get you to a different place. Thoughts from yesterday will not take you to a new place tomorrow. Be willing to change it all. Are you?

You’re stuck.

You’re tired.

The fighting is getting old.

Will there ever be peace?

Think of last weekend when your step kids truged through the door and the surge of stress ran through your body. You wonder, do these feelings ever end? Of course! But it will be in a different way. It won’t be a counselor this time. Enough hours have been spent talking it out.

You will have to be intentional.

It requires you to be purposeful.

Willing to give up old ways.

You have to give up old way of responding and turn yourself towards your own thoughts; your emotions, and not theirs.

It is a privilege to be the thinker of your thoughts. Your thoughts, not your step kids, create your feelings. Thoughts create it all:

  • Frustration
  • Worry
  • Stress
  • Overwhelm
  • Resentment

Feelings are the most important thing to know and pay attention to. When you pay attention, you discover the power you have. The power starts with your thoughts and ends with your results. Feelings are in the middle and they will set you free.

You can do this my friend. It’s within your reach.